WideNet U Twitter Recap

In our latest installment of WideNet U, Tweet #likeaboss, we discussed the best practices for using Twitter when it comes to your business. Twitter is a fantastic platform for connecting with consumers. Not only can you directly engage the people who are looking at your product, but it gives your business a sense of relevancy and approachability that is difficult to achieve elsewhere. Twitter is a conversation, a discussion. It’s basically an online cocktail party, and when used correctly, it can reap major benefits for your company. But let us stress, there is right and wrong way to use Twitter, and it’s very important that you know the difference before jumping in to the world of 140 characters.

Don’t Be a Twitter Offender

Whether you realize it or not, social media gaffes can have far reaching repercussions, and once the damage is done, it becomes very difficult to reverse. The easiest way to avoid embarrassing slip up’s on Twitter is research, research, research. Before commenting on a trending topic or using a popular hashtag to promote your business, consider why that topic is trending in the first place. Take some time to search the web and figure out the situation surrounding it. If it’s in response to a tragedy, a scandal, or some other devastating event, don’t use it to promote your product. Take for example this Kenneth Cole tweet from a few years ago during the Egyptian Revolution when the city of Cairo was in an absolute uproar. The tweet caused a major backlash against Kenneth Cole, and it certainly didn’t help boost sales. Trying to capitalize on a sensitive issue will never work for you, even if you’re just trying to inject a little humor into the situation.

On that same note, timing is incredibly important. A completely innocent tweet sent at the wrong time can ruin your message and cause you a major headache. On the morning after the Aurora, Colorado shooting, the Twitter account for American Rifleman, an extension of the National Rifle Association scheduled this tweet. While completely innocent in nature (the NRA even claimed that the tweeter in question hadn’t heard about the shooting), the timing turned an otherwise innocent tweet into and insensitive and distasteful remark.

Don’t be a Twitter Offender. Think outside of your bubble, and be aware of what’s happening in the world around you.

Engage Your Audience

As we said, Twitter is a conversation. It’s a fantastic way for communicate directly with your audience, and if handled effectively, it can bring a very human element to your business. That being said, if your company is going to be on Twitter, then it needs to actually be on Twitter. People are going to tweet to you. Tweet back. Talk to them. Engage them. Let them know you’re listening to what they have to say, and keep it genuine. Doing so puts you on the consumer’s level. It makes your business approachable, and that’s going to attract attention. Of course, when you engage your audience, you have to be smart about it. Opening the door to conversation with the public can let in some negative commentary. Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answer to.

In 2013, JP Morgan ran a campaign called #askjpm that encouraged followers to tweet to the JP Morgan Twitter account and ask questions about career advice. The questions would then be answered by a real JP Morgan exec. It backfired. Bad. Rather than inquiries from people eager to find success in the lucrative world of big banking, JP Morgan was met with an onslaught of angry criticism from a disgruntled public. The fallout made national news. Even today, a year later, the incident remains far from forgotten. So engage your audience, but be smart. Be genuine, not naïve.

Analyze Your Performance

Lastly, take advantage of the various paid advertising opportunities. By promoting individual tweets or your whole account, you can target the people who are most likely to buy what you’re selling and convert them to followers. Not only that, through Twitter Analytics, you can track your progress and determine how well you’re reaching your target audience. All in all, Twitter is a great way to introduce your business to the online community and spread your message across the web. When you tweet #likeaboss, people notice, your audience grows, and ultimately, so does your business.To watch the latest WideNet U class, just follow this link.

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