The Value of Listening

Everyone at WideNet is a mega fan of Gary Vaynerchuk, so imagine my absolute delight when I woke up this morning to this:

Facebook Comment from Gary Vaynerchuk

That right there is my number one business and marketing hero, a man who has made millions, built a massively successful media company, and has even been on TELEVISION (omg), and he’s reaching out to me to say thanks. On Facebook.

It wasn’t anything life changing. He didn’t offer me a job. He didn’t invite me to dinner. He didn’t validate any of my writing or my work (as cool as that would be). He simply said, “Thanks,” and I’ll never forget it.

Gary’s little gesture should serve as a lesson to all of us.

Listening matters. It matters a lot.

Social media has been around for well over a decade now, and yet plenty of business owners and media personalities still don’t understand the true value of sites like Facebook and Twitter. These platforms give you an option: you can choose to remain in your ivory tower, or you can come down and socialize with us common folk. You know, the ones who buy your product, watch your show, listen to your podcast, read your books, and share your ideas.

Taking two seconds to recognize these people, to let them know their words are reaching your ears, or to just show a little appreciation goes a long way.

I already talk a lot about Gary Vaynerchuk because he produces phenomenal content that inspires me to do better. But since this morning, I’ve probably told at least 100 people about his comment to me, and I’m going to tell more.

It’s all about adding value. Listen to your audience. Interact with them. Show them you’re not just a corporate shill, but someone who cares. You don’t have to be their best friend, but a little nudge every once in a while will go a lot further than you may think.

If you’re unfamiliar with Gary Vaynerchuk, you need to get familiar. He’s a great writer, phenomenal speaker, and brilliant entrepreneur. You can visit his website by following the link at the top of the blog. Or, follow this link to learn more about his business, Vayner Media.

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