- Navigate to Twitter.com
- Click Sign Up
- Enter in Full Name, email, and password and click sign up for Twitter.
- Choose your username (17 characters)
- Choose categories you are interested in following
- The next page will have suggestions of accounts for you to follow
- Connect with anyone you may know (you can skip this step if you wish)
- Confirm twitter account via email.
- Upload the profile photo and cover photo.
- Navigate to settings (the gear wheel in the right hand top of the browser page)
- Add in the website
- Add in bio (160 characters)
- Connect your Facebook page if you wish.
- Choose when you want to an email notification from Twitter
- Click save
The Complete Guide To SEO, Abridged
Search Engine Optimization remains one of the most beneficial things you can do for your online marketing. Even with all the different ways of connecting