When I was a kid, I loved “show & tell” days at my school. Everyone in my class could bring something from home like a pet or a favorite toy and tell all about it and why it was so special. Google has recently adopted this same concept with the beta release of Adwords Image Extensions which will allow you to add a visual element to your search ads. Google says Image extensions will enable you to more accurately convey details that a text-only ad can’t, such as design and color, making your ads “pop” so they stand out in a crowded digital world.
Here is the “official” Google Adwords announcement of Adwords Image Extensions.
Here is an example of what image extensions might look like:
Google says that one in six searches on Google provides results with visual content – including things like image search results, news story thumbnail images, and YouTube videos. Now, your text ads will be able to reflect the growing trend of image usage across the Web.
Image extensions will be more likely to show up when Google determines that a searcher is trying to find visual content. For example, a search for “luxury car designs” is more likely to show image extensions than a query for “local car dealerships.”
It appears you can submit up to three photos for each ad to Google to be approved. However, you must make sure that you have the digital rights to any images you upload.
Google has indicated that this beta is English language only and — as an early stage beta — is very limited while they’re continuing to improve the setup, reporting and performance.
In order to participate you will need to apply. You can fill out this simple form and once they have approved it, you will be sent an email indicating that you can begin using image extensions.
As with any new opportunity, it’s best to act early to give you an edge over your competitors. If you need help setting up and managing your Adwords campaigns, give us a call at 866.645.9235 or email sales@widenetconsulting.com.